You can redeem your coupon by entering your coupon code on the website or by typing the link included in the coupon into your browser. The coupon can be activated immediately there.
Please note: Redeeming a coupon is unfortunately not possible through the app.
Note on purchase coupons:
The validity of the coupon starts only after you have redeemed it as described above. After that, you can immediately view and participate in our yoga classes! The redemption of the coupon is not time-limited. The coupon will automatically expire after the free period and does not need to be cancelled.
You can find more information here: I want to give a YogaEasy voucher as a gift!
Free coupons expire automatically (this does not apply to 14 day free trial)
The coupon will automatically expire after the free period and does not need to be cancelled. Please note the specific conditions of your coupon, as these may vary. However your 14 day free trial which will always be before your membership has to be cancelled. How do I cancel my 14 day free trial?