To practice yoga with YogaEasy, you don’t need much. You could even practice yoga completely without any equipment or accessories. For example, there are many meditations that require no accessories. However, we recommend using at least a yoga mat or a fitness mat. This will make your yoga experience more enjoyable and gentler on your body.
Yoga Mat
We recommend a yoga mat for your yoga practice. The best choice is a non-slip yoga mat made from a non-toxic material (such as natural rubber). The quality, and thus the price range, can vary greatly.
It’s important that you feel comfortable in your clothing and that it is breathable. We recommend joggers, leggings, or light, loose-fitting pants. Pair it with a T-shirt or a sweatshirt, and you can start. However, those who practice yoga regularly will quickly realize that there are several considerations when choosing a yoga outfit.
Cushion (Meditation Cushion)
It’s helpful to use a firm cushion as a seat. A meditation cushion especially helps you to sit more comfortably, allowing you to stay relaxed and focused longer in your meditation posture. The cushion helps you maintain an upright spine while sitting in silence – that is, meditating – and protects your lower back, pelvis, and knees while sitting. Plus, your cushion can become a loyal companion that reminds you of your regular yoga or meditation practice. Therefore, it’s nice to choose a cushion that you like and enjoy seeing in your yoga or meditation space.
Feel free to have a blanket ready for your yoga practice with YogaEasy. You can use the blanket folded as support during the yoga class. Especially in Yin Yoga, but also in other yoga styles, blankets are often used to protect the knees and joints. At the end of yoga sessions, there is often a final relaxation (Shavasana) that is guided by the instructor. Sometimes, it is nice to cover yourself with a blanket during this time.
A block (yoga block) can be helpful to elevate your seat in cross-legged or seated positions. In various postures, you can use one or two blocks to extend your arms. For example, you can support your hands on the blocks in a standing forward bend, as well as in twisted poses and backbends: basically, anytime the floor is too far away for your hands. Alternatively, you can also use a thick book for support.
A strap can help you extend your arms and legs. This way, even less flexible individuals can more easily achieve the yoga postures. The strap can, for example, be looped around your feet if you cannot reach your feet with your hands. Alternatively, you can also use a belt.
Bolsters (long, firm cushions) are often used in Yin Yoga but also in other yoga styles. They are used to making various restorative poses, such as a supported chest opening in supine position, more effective. Bolsters also create relief in the lower back: in supine position, the bolster is placed horizontally under the knees while the rest of the body remains on the ground.
It is generally known that it’s important to stay hydrated. During the yoga practice, there may not always be time to drink something. Nevertheless, prepare something to drink. We recommend water, lukewarm water with lemon, or lukewarm tea. It’s nice to come back from the final relaxation and have something to drink right away.